Score: 4,548,543

Kills: 2,525

Time: 55h

KDR 0.93

Skill 185

SPM 1372

KPM 0.76

Cheat 100%


Boinas Negras Chile - BNC <3
Real Of Fame - RoF <3
Team Brasil - TBR <3
InSaNeLy e-SporTs - InS <3
Orden 66 - oR66 <3
Killaz on Patrol - KzoP <3
GoDs oF WaR - GoW <3
New Age Team - nT <33
ValhaLLa e-SporTs - <3
oXidados Team - oXi <3

♕1 - Kings Of Locker x12 with (nT)
♕1 - Kings Of War with (vHL)
♕1 - Worlds of Nations with (TBR)
♕1 - Kings of Conquest with (oXi)
♕1 - Alliance League with (vHL)
♕1 - Royale Cup x12 with (nT)
♕2 - Copa INFANTERIA CQx10 with (nT)


Weapon Stats

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Previous Names

  • Defuziion 7 months ago
  • InSaNeLy__NieDzZ 7 months ago
  • THEDRRUSSIAN-_- 1 month ago
  • N1edz 2 weeks ago
  • N1EDZ 6 months ago

Player History

[INTZ] Platoon