This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.

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Score: 49,820,841

Kills: 77,153

Time: 1,148h

KDR 2.3

Skill 277

SPM 723

KPM 1.12

Cheat 0%


Just another cocky loser who prefers to play in noob team
Not good in anything except for RAAGGGGEEEEEEEE
i am also known as looping cunt, jet noob, Famas-tard

Feeding on tears of my haters

Admins ban me with message: я ноб! Я хочу быть похожим на тебя

Left DF since 15/08/17

"if you think you are a good player
make this game balance
do not crush noobs"

Highest killstreak: 121

Ace Aviator #1 India

Conquest montage

infantry montage (7650M) finnaly 1080p :')

Dogfight footage:

Look at the sky ! you will see bright shining beam of light ! thats my bullet trying to hit 2 meter away target !

thanks dice for all the autism :-)

Weapon Stats

Latest Reports

Previous Names

  • RllSING 6 years ago

Player History

[ZN6] Platoon