

Score: 49,814,693

Kills: 53,179

Time: 1,588h

KDR 0.81

Skill 128

SPM 522

KPM 0.56

Cheat 0%


Oh, ok. "Flaming Dragon": fuck-face.
First, take a step back, and literally... fuck your own face!
Now, I don't know what kind of Pan-Pacific power bullshit your trying to play here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever your thinking; you'd better think again. Otherwise, I'm going to have to head down there, and I will rain down a Godly fucking firestorm upon you.
You're going to have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you.
I am talking scorched earth, motherfucker!
I will massacre you!!
I will fuck you up!!!

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