Score: 123,615,716

Kills: 245,777

Time: 3,435h

KDR 2.81

Skill 569

SPM 402

KPM 1.09

Cheat 0%


If you wanna play in a team on Discord, if you play mostly infantry and have decent skill don't hesitate to contact me.

Message for idiots with no skill and 100 hrs played:
I am not a cheater check my BF4DB profile:
I hate cheaters probably more than you, so I take every accusation especially from shitty players personally!

Don't camp, you can't learn anything by camp only!
You are fucking loser, if you need these weapons/gadgets to get some kills:
Claymores, airburst, rpgs, nade launchers, shotguns, flir.
Advices, settings and more you can find in DOCX below, here is not enough space.

YT with some good moments:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/arcisit

Pokud si chcete zahrát v týmu přes Discord, máte slušný skill, určitě se ozvěte!

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Previous Names

  • Arcisit 6 years ago
  • PiTbUllS-Arcisit 5 years ago
  • Arcisit_CZ 3 years ago
  • IIIArcisitIII 1 year ago

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