

Score: 25,035,154

Kills: 34,184

Time: 646h

KDR 1.2

Skill 243

SPM 664

KPM 0.91

Cheat 0%


shallow dreams always bring the deepest nightmares,
night terrors drown in pools of my own tears.
My zone fears, women with a loving tongue,
open doors into my heart reverse what I've become,
I let the darkness overcome,
the battles been fought he's won.
My last remark I guess I'm done,
trying to find Love under sun.
Cause love brings pain and pain brings hate,
hate breeds hate,
so some things in the world I guess will never change.
The only THING I gain in the pursuit of freedom,
is bondage from the chronic, status, over saturated ego,
I dance in masquerades their more in tune with my placebos,
we only feel what is real no tricks our minds have made us equals,
Aligned with broken

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  • TheSwordFisH4 6 years ago

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