

Score: 57,317,855

Kills: 67,809

Time: 1,289h

KDR 1.82

Skill 318

SPM 741

KPM 0.88

Cheat 0%


Playing since bf 1942 so bow down betas.

It's calling for a MuZZ
Bloody Skiitz Time it Was
On a Raveaneese Event
Sick Wobz they said
I'm not the only one there are 100 if not 1000 who are addicted to muzzing
Time for a Hardstyle Maccas Run
can i get a large mc hakk burger
cooked m8
jks is ebola
see you all at Defqon tomoz
Silky Smooth m8
vaselineshoes 4 dayz
shuff till ya shoes r scuff
hakk 4 dayz
caterpie used rave

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  • Mindkiller96 6 years ago

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[WW] Platoon