
This is a snapshot of dYstopiaaa4's profile statistics from 6 years ago, click here to go to a non cached version!



Score: 56,284,178

Kills: 94,454

Time: 832h

KDR 3.53

Skill 662

SPM 891

KPM 2.62

Cheat 100%

Weapon Stats

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Previous Names

  • AuMdYstopiaaaA 7 years ago
  • FOTdYstopiaaaA 6 years ago
  • FOTBYstopiaaaA 5 years ago
  • FuperGOJIRA 5 years ago
  • FOTDorsaken 5 years ago
  • AuMGOJIRA 5 years ago
  • auremq 5 years ago
  • kakotopiaa 5 years ago
  • dYstopiaGOJIRA 4 years ago
  • dYstopiaWillWIN 4 years ago
  • dYstopiaaa4 4 years ago

Player History

Owned By

[AuM] Platoon