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  • adreaslig1998
    Member since July 04, 2021

    Soldier Name: Krafalas_

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes

    Appeal: This appeal might come late but I wanted to play BF3 and BF4 again. I 've encountered cheaters in the past my self and I know how frustrating it is to play against them, ruining all the fun and harassing the community so, believe it or not I am not a hacker and I will try my best to prove it. Most of my hours in these games are infantry gameplay plus I play lots of other FPS games, something that you can check in my accounts in both battlelog and steam (mainly CSGO) that I will link, having lots of hours in these games and rifle stats. What I am trying to explain is that I have lots of experience in FPS games, something that I hope it can been seen from my accounts and been taken into consideration. Plus I think we can all agree that "badmins" is still a thing. These guys are abusing their power every time they get owned "he has to be cheating", so I really do believe I 'm a victim of this case. I don't know what else to say but please, think about what if I 'm clear because in that case, you guys banned an innocent player having fun. There 's quite a few pros that get banned left and right from salty people we all know that so please, unban a clear player.

    Here 's my accounts, hopefully by you check them and see the truth behind my stats and what not.

    BF3 ->

    BF4 ->

    Steam ->

  • adreaslig1998
    Member since May 01, 2021

    Appeal on our discord. Make sure to follow the instructions