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  • Himars
    Member since December 24, 2022

    two cheaters on the server #-bz1.5-# Hardcore vanilla maps HarrySpectrum vs M4NNU31 they use private cheats anti-cheat system does not see them

    The statistics are not shown correctly in the battlelog, in fact, there are dozens of times more kills than deaths, this is unrealistic, just 70-7 80-12 go to this server, play a few matches and make sure

  • Himars
    Member since March 08, 2020

    One, no evidence, no ban. Two, you need to provide Evidence of cheating. Prove it to us, not to yourself.

    Three, you need to find their soldier page, using search, and hit "REPORT". IF YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE, DO NOT REPORT THEM.