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  • Kraichek
    Member since March 21, 2020

    Not sure why there was a question over the posts location.

    I had posted it in General which has a description "All Non BF4 and BF4DB related.....items post here"

    So i did.

    So if i have mis-used section so be it - i apologise, but it was done under the premise of the header as stated above.

    I also see that IceCold didnt touch on why i was killed infact denying it in his own chat logs now he seems to have a recollection of killing me, and he hasnt posted all the chat logs where I told them both to grow up....and for him to stop trolling. But hey ho just another admin telling what he wants his side of the story to be.


  • Kraichek
    Member since February 28, 2019

    Btw, just to let you know, it wasn't Icecold that killed you, it was me. I got you mixed up with your friend who was abusing admins all game and it wasnt anything to do with who you killed. Ask anyone who regularly plays on our servers and they will tell you that NO ONE ever gets killed for killing admins or being better than admins.

    And I'm mystified as to why you think making a post on a site dedicated to catching/banning cheaters will get you? Not very far but I hope you feel better now.

    Your friend really needs to adjust his attitude towards others, he has some serious problems.