Will someone from experienced players explain what is wrong with these stats?
Thx for info
as can be seen here https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1004924159137 there isn't really anything wrong with the stats, it's what was used that's wrong. rawr can only be picked up on dragon's teeth maps and, the only way to get those weapons/pickups on any other maps is through the use of cheats.
ok but there what is wrong?jak widać tutaj https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1004924159137 nie ma nic złego w statystykach, to, co zostało użyte, jest złe. rawr można zdobyć tylko na mapach Zęby smoka, jedynym sposobem na zdobycie tej broni / pickupa na inne mapach jest użycie kodów.
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/1361847154125487616/1004789613879/ that is most likely a someone using cheat