Hello everyone, I have a question, is it possible that i got banned because of dynamic IP? The guy who logged some hours before me in game had IP, that was same as mine some hours later?
here is my ban https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1007614500548
EDIT: I talked with my internet provider (Vectra in poland), they said that my IP is dynamic, now im waiting for technical service to explain this situation
EDIT 2: this is account that "i played" after i got ban on IP? like how is this possible to play whole night and day after getting IP ban. Today i bought another bf4 premium on eaapps nickname "MostWantedB0T" and i insta get kicked out of servers, somehow this guy can play all day after getting banned for having same IP as mine. Anyone had same problem? https://battlefieldtracker.com/bfv/profile/origin/AraS_PL2203/overview
EDIT 3: https://www.quora.com/Can-someone-else-in-another-state-be-on-the-same-IP-address-as-me just check this link mr DATA DOESNT LIE XDDD