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  • Xarlion
    Member since March 30, 2020

    Hi all

    Can I have some opinions about this player ? :

    In game, it looks like he's hitting a bit to much the head, and he has pretty good stats (~30% hskr)

    Even at midrange, he's pretty accurate...


  • Xarlion
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019


    Hi all

    Can I have some opinions about this player ? :

    In game, it looks like he's hitting a bit to much the head, and he has pretty good stats (~30% hskr)

    Even at midrange, he's pretty accurate...


    checked his last 200 reports, didnt find anything suspecious.. his stats are clean.

    This is a german video, but the visuals should explain why he is more accurate than most other ppl..
    Bullet spray begins after the 1-2 bullet, if ya tap fire an dont shoot more than 2, bullets will go where you aim..

  • Xarlion
    Member since March 30, 2020

    Yeah, his stats are clean

    That's why I'm here and not reporting him

    Some friends of mine (not the type of people who think everybody's cheating) find him a bit suspicious too

    In game, sometimes, you don't have the time to react, you're dead

    I've never tried to spectate him, I will do that next time I can play 

  • Xarlion
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019


    Yeah, his stats are clean

    That's why I'm here and not reporting him

    Some friends of mine (not the type of people who think everybody's cheating) find him a bit suspicious too

    In game, sometimes, you don't have the time to react, you're dead

    I've never tried to spectate him, I will do that next time I can play 

    Yeah, its called "frame kill", happens when the BF4 netcode likes you.. especially if you have players that go for accuracy. The server just doesnt send you every single hit/takes a bit longer and then sends everything at once.. my current connection to servers is even more funky as than most of the time, so it may have to do with that as well..

  • Xarlion
    Member since August 14, 2017

    There is certainly some suspicious stuff in BF4CR of this player. We will investigate further, stay put

  • Xarlion
    Member since August 14, 2017

    What I don't understand is why you are "reporting" a player that is together with you in the same platoon.

  • Xarlion
    Member since March 30, 2020

    He started playing on my server few months (?) ago, and he was playing nicely (teamplay, etc)

    He add me as friend add invite me in his platoon (before my doubts)

    I don't know him personally, and I've never really played with him (never in voice)

  • Xarlion
    Member since August 14, 2017

    No problem, sorry for asking, just looked a bit odd.

    After reviewing his BF4CR and some of our inner data it's quite apparent to me the player is using cheats. Banned.

    Thanks for bringing it up.

  • Xarlion
    Member since March 30, 2020

    Np, thanks for your time