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  • Linzu2
    Member since July 23, 2022

    I literally just bought the game in the latest offers (and i only bought it cuz Origin gave to me Premium pack some years ago) and im banned but i dont know why, im not appealing(i appealed in discord and it was dennied ._. ), i just wanna know why?, Whats the supposed reason why im banned, i really dont know, evenbalance do not give me a reason too, my GUID is not banned in the Master ban index, but i still can not play in any server.

    And no, i dont know who is elDanielote, this is so unfair..... and i dont know if there is a way to prove it, i edited the post because i had no chance to put an answer on the post.

  • Linzu2
    Member since February 12, 2019

    the reason is here your other account ''ElDanielote'' is banned and had the appeal denied. 
    All futute account will be banned too.