The server chat clearly said something about this player is banned for aimbot multiple times, yet this cheater is still in the server. I think it did kicked the cheater once, but he rejoined. The server chat show the same message, and nothing is done.
This is the match I was playing. Even votekick doesn't seem to work when after more than 9 players type !yes in the chat.
servers that run the official preset can not kick or ban any players. this applies to individual admins and plugins, like ours.
banned and still playing on ranked and protected:
| 24/7 Rock n Roll | LOCKER | No Explosives | EPS 60Hz
Does it run BF4DB?banned and still playing on ranked and protected:
| 24/7 Rock n Roll | LOCKER | No Explosives | EPS 60Hz
Rnr doesn't run the plugin