this guy cheats, you have to be with 2 tanks to kill him, and often you still lose he reload on 2 sec 6 shots ??? he drives faster than other vehicles !! hacking !!!! 100 percent ! he never misses!
hit the report button if you actually have some evidence
best, the proof is just when you play against such he is in the chopper and manages all his weapons without switching, you can take out the good players but get killed from the other side of the map ??? and you can never miss a pc scan, so you can get the cheaters out! bf scan even with aa you have no chance ?? and with a normal player you take the chopper down, you cannot take it down !!! ditto for tank! me and my playmate have already tried everything when we played against each other and that is a very good player! and you can take down his chopper very well, what bolle does is with a hack !! best i know who are good players and which ones are cheating there are way too many paying sites where you can afford this sit
klik op de meldknop als je daadwerkelijke enig bewijs hebt
well, they cant know that out of nowhere, record the suspect's gameplay and upload it to youtube... Otherwise your reports will never lead to any ban unless the stats are really obvious
you have been banned and will remain banned Kurty cheater to !! kd more then 3 ! never missing all report on fairplaybf4 all cheat
Voor de zoveelste keer, als je iemand wilt reporten, kun je dat doen op de player pagina. Daar zit een report knop.
Forum reports zijn alleen bedoelt voor spelers die in eerste instantie als 'clean' zijn gezet.
Daarnaast, als je vindt dat je onterecht bent gebanned, kun je je ban appealen op onze Discord server.