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  • maxilpacoxx122
    Member since September 17, 2019

    I would like to request info for an appeal.

    Does this only revoke ban bf4 or even bf3?

    I stopped playing bf4 because I received a bf3 ban on the same account for no reason. after 1/18

    I also had to buy another bf3 premium on another account and the latter also received a ban without any reasons.

    can I make an appeal for bf3 here?

    or you can direct me to some site that like you remove the ban after 1/18?. thanks.

  • maxilpacoxx122
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 16, 2018

    we only ban bf4 accounts, we didnt ban you, your ban was or by a server admin or by another anti cheat. to know more, go contact the server owner from the server you got banned from. We can't help you and have nothing to do with your ban.