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  • H7CH21
    Member since February 19, 2020

    Soldier Name:h7ch21
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier:YES
    AppealThis account was donated by a friend, but he played it last 4 years ago, and it’s written 103 hours in the origin, and it says 53, I think this is some kind of bug, because my friend never used cheats
  • H7CH21
    Member since August 14, 2017

    Добрый день,

    Ваш друг (если это так) подложил Вам свинью в виде аккаунта, на котором он однозначно использовал читы. 

    На снапшоте статистики оружия более года назад видны аномальные данные по попаданию в голову и относительно высокое число серии убийств (kill streak). Нет индикаторов набивки статов. Всё указывает на аимбот. Сожалею.


    Eng: It seems your friend screwed you over by gifting you an account he used to cheat on (assuming your story is true). On the snapshot of your stats from more than a year ago can see multiple weapons with abnormally high hs rate (even if it isn't highlighted with red or orange). There is also a relatively high kill streak number recorded on your profile. And nothing indicates the act of stat-padding. Unfortunately, everything points out at the use of cheats.


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