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  • andy89dk
    Member since March 05, 2019

    Soldier Name: Andy89DK
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.
    Appeal: I played two days (October 14th) prior to my ban and then two days (October 16th) later I was kicked by PunkBuster immediately after joining a server. Apparently this translates into a ban automatically on your part and all the other third party anti-cheat sites. I never used any cheats/hacks and my Origin account has also been secured with login verification for a long time. I had made no changes to my computer during that time span and It was also clean of any malicious software and viruses. According to your statement regarding suspended PunkBuster bans I see no point in having me on your ban list, so I would like to get removed. Thank you!