• playubbbb
    Member since March 26, 2021

    Hello, my account hasn't been online for a long time. When I went online again, I found that it had been blocked by Pb. My account played for a long time and almost unlocked all weapons, equipment and accessories. I think I did brush guns, but I never used plug-in software. I want to apply to unseal my account

  • playubbbb
    Retired Staff
    Member since March 27, 2020

    If your account is banned by punkbuster then there’s bothing we can do. Only thing you can do is try to contact them here https://www.evenbalance.com/support.php though chances are you won’t get a reply wich means you’ll be left with no other choice than to buy a new copy of the game.

    what’s you account name? and what’s the message you’re getting when trying to join a server?

  • playubbbb
    Member since March 26, 2021

    My user name is focus-bean.Enter the server prompt has been expelled. I want to know why I was banned,My cheat is 0%

  • playubbbb
    Retired Staff
    Member since March 27, 2020

    you aren't banned by us but globally by punkbuster. i don't see any sign of cheat use on your account so most likely one of many false global PB bans.

    there's nothing we can do for you, you can try to appeal this ban by using the link i provided above though you most likely won't get a response. only other thing you can do is make a new account. sorry.