

Score: 21,258,183

Kills: 25,105

Time: 616h

KDR 1.95

Skill 249

SPM 575

KPM 0.68

Cheat 0%


the best troll friend : sissouille :D
the 500 horsepower friend : Poulain_gunner
the bipod friend : Rykers
the wild boar hunter friend: Dexter
the aimbot and cagette friend : Jacky
the best teamm8 : Botttox
the df friend : Dennis our jets love kissing
the clicker friend : Konnygse
the pro mortar friend : Tateu
the df teacher friends : Anddell- Seb-Boris

after 2346h on hp laptop (geforce 830M), 40fps low 720p, i finally built a setup.

looper, 2,5 clicks/s

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  • iL2DF-neo 6 years ago

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