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  • emajoszka
    Member since May 17, 2017

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  • emajoszka
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You forgot to say that he play most time on hardcore. So its usual to players on Hard mode kill with "1 shot" from scar and other hiqh damage weapons. Thats why his damage category in bf4db profile is yellow, And what you mean when you said - fakename in your YT record?

  • emajoszka
    Member since May 05, 2017

    1. Scars do not one shot unless it's a head-shot.  Only weapons over 60 damage one shot (chest) kill in HC mode within 45m (approx).
    2. He's within kill radius of multiple grenades at different times and no deaths.  All explosive grenades one shot in HC mode in kill range (over 70 damage).  Kill range on nades is indicated by the RED circle around a nade, if it's red, you're dead (in HC mode).
    3. Scar sprays like a shotgun when you hold down the trigger, he does not appear to have the same bullet spray anyone else has.

    About the bullet spray, it is rarely seen which looks to be a sign of toggling.  Look at 2:27 - 2:29.  Even though "he" is recoiling up, all the bullets go down and into the target.  Not one bullet goes where he's aiming, or even sprays left or right.  Then look at video 3:23.  Either that is him spraying and hitting the wall, which I highly doubt from watching the video he's no-spray botting, that spray seen at 3:23 is the engineer just in front and to the right of him with the DEagle.

    Proof, from EA itself in the March 6th patch three years ago.


    So we'd see his bullet spray, just as he would see his own bullet spray, even in spectator mode but we only see "spray" when there are other people around him.  Presumably it is THEIR legit bullet spray because when he is by himself, there is none.

    Based on his stats he's aimbot cheating, not damage bot cheating.  He does not have bullet spray and his h:k is 26% meaning there's NO way in hell he's dropping people that fast in those videos.  26% means it takes him four hits to kill and clearly from his video he's dropping people in the blink of an eye, aimbot injector modifying his packets sent to the server changing where his bullets are hitting (spray) so they all hit his target at once.

    Now if his stats showed h:k somewhere in the 40's (that would be 100% legit) that is between 2 - 3 hits to kill and somewhat more believeable to "insta" kill with a two shot grouping to the chest.  Numbers in the 20's as this cheat has indicates a lot of non chest hits (limbs take four hits to kill) and that does NOT happen "instantly".

  • emajoszka
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Spectator has a lot of glitches, and although EA claims that it represents the actual gameplay this often is not the case. I will let another staffmember take a look at the footage too.

  • emajoszka
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Another staffmember has also seen the footage, and we came to the conclusion the footage is clean.

    Thread closed

    No proof of cheating